Jessica Fellows
Tapped as a model for one of our most recent shoots, New York nursing student Jessica Fellows exudes youthful creative energy. With an unquestionable modeling career in her future, this TikTok star is vibrant, artistic, and right at home in Larroudé.
First of all, how are you doing?
Im doing okay right now! Would probably be doing better if the pandemic was over, as Im sure we all would be.
If you could send a DM to your younger self, what would it be?
If i could send a dm to my younger self id probably tell myself to stop caring what other people think so much, and just be me.
Jessica Fellows styles the Diana in Ivory Leather
Describe your first memorable shoe-buying experience? Where were you, what did you buy, and how did you feel?
My first memorable shoe buying experience was probably when I got my first pair of Doc Martens. I bought them online, so I was a home and I was very excited which Im usually not over clothing/shoes.
How do you feel about being in the first group of women featuring Larroudé?
Really excited! Im so happy I was asked to help with this project! And I had so much fun during the shoot.
What brings you joy lately?
Lately drawing is something thats really been helping me get through the pandemic and makes me really happy.
What is your secret dream (post-pandemic, of course)?
What is your secret dream (post-pandemic, of course)?
My secret dream is probably to be a professional model. Ive always loved doing it but am currently studying to be a nurse instead because it is more practical.