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Mom, Wife, Aussie Living in NY, PR Maven

Mom, Wife, Aussie Living in NY, PR Maven


Priya Shukla

Priya exudes fashion. Whether it’s leaving her native Australia to pursue her passions or dressing celebrities in her role as VP Communications at Very Wang, style—and styling—is part of her DNA, and undeniably, her every day.


First of all, how are you doing?
The first thing that comes to mind is 'tired'! In addition to a very energetic 5 year old, we have a 4 month old baby so we have a lot of ‎sleepless nights these days. I think we are all feeling some level of fatigue these days, whether it's Quarantine fatique, depressing news coverage fatigue, working from home fatigue etc. I do however firmly believe that change comes from uncomfortable situations, my hope is that we are about to grow, heal and learn from all we survived this year. 
If you could send a DM to your younger self, what would it be?
It's never the right time: do it anyway.
Describe your first memorable shoe-buying experience? Where were you, what did you buy, and how did you feel?
I remember being in 4th grade and desperately wanting to wear high heels. There was no way my mother was going to let me wear heels, so I found a pair of patent leather black loafers that had a really thick stacked platform sole (they sound hideous, and in hindsight they probably were). They were as close to a high heel as I was going to get so I begged my Mum to buy them for me. We went to the mall on my birthday to get them and I remember feeling like the most sophisticated adult in the game. I felt tall, grown up and amazing.
How do you feel about being in the first group of women featuring Larroudé?
It's an honor and I am thrilled to support a new, female owned small business‎. I have known Marina for years, I've seen her thrive as an Editor, a fashion executive and a mother. She is passionate, hard working and committed to her industry. She also happens to be genuine and sincere, and quite frankly, those are rare qualities in our industry.
What brings you joy lately? 
My daughters for sure. I've also been meditating and I make it a point to do that every day, it helps keep me centered and in a state of gratitude. And I work out 3-4 times a week, it's my alone time and helps funnel out my anxiety. I've recently added Pilates to my work out regimen and I love it, the mind and body connectivity it teaches has been really useful.
What is your secret dream (post-pandemic, of course)?
Travel, travel and more travel!!

Pryia Shukla models The Kate Boot in Crocodile Embossed Leather.

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  • Elyse

    Love this post!

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