When it came time to cast the Fall ’22 campaign, we wanted to work with models that could embody the same joy that characterizes everything we do and create here at Larroudé. We had the pleasure of working with models Barbra Lee Grant, Palak Gupta, and Polina Shapran, who came game to run around the city with us and photog Tommy Ton—modeling Fall in the Summer heat, no less. The resulting images are as happy, spirited, and vibrant as they are…exactly what we’d hoped to capture. Get to know more about Palak Gupta—a model you’re sure to see more of as she makes her mark in the industry.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hi I'm Palak Gupta. I believe that I'm a shapeshifter (model) of people's imagination. I was born in India and am currently exploring living in New York City. I grew around art, mom and sister being an artist- which coincides with my job today! Fun fact: I'm super prone to accidents.
How did you first begin your career in modeling?
I started in India when I accidentally ended up meeting an agency for a bookers job. After spending a few years there, I was scouted by my mother agent on Instagram(the power of social media) and I'm traveling the world now.
What is your dream job to book?
TBH each day in my life is a dream, I'm living my manifestations everyday!
What is your favorite thing about yourself; physical or otherwise?
The favorite thing is my complexion, which I hated when I was growing up (white fixated country), I was always bullied for being brown and the tables have really turned. Otherwise I really love that I genuinely care about people and wanna know everything about them- how are they feeling, have they eaten, what do they like, how can I just be someone's friend.
What does your ideal day look like?
I spend a lot of time taking care of my mental and physical health. I read a lot and try to create a lot of art. Learning new things takes up my day as well- perks of being a freelancer.
TikTok or Instagram?
No guesses - INSTAGRAM.
Last thing you read?
I'm currently reading this book called In the Flo by Alisa Vitti- it talks about female hormones and how we as women should design our life schedule acc. to that. Our body cycle is for 28 days and not 24 hours like men.
What is something on your bucket list?
To eat every type of food present on the face of the earth.
What are your hopes for the year to come?
That I get to do the amazing work I'm doing and help Indian brown girls realize that if I can they can. Women empowerment.
Favorite Larroudé shoe?