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Emma Bartlett

Emma Bartlett is a breath of fresh air. But, we envy her sense of balance as much as we’re drawn to her sunny disposition and bare-faced beauty. Modeling one minute and sharing her favorite eats the next (Editor’s Note: It’s NYC pizza), she’s able to find the calm in the storm and show us the way with a genuine smile on her face.

First of all: how are you doing?
I’m good! Feeling rested and energized. 
If you could send a DM to your younger self, what would it be?
Don’t worry too much about what others think of you. Give yourself time to grow—there is no rush or finish line. 
What’s your favorite Larroudé pair for Spring?
The Colette. 
What are you most looking forward to doing outdoors this Spring?
Honestly, hugging people. Runner up to that would most likely be drinking and dancing.  

What are you reading right now?
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy.
What are you watching right now?
The last movie I watched was 101 Dalmatians. The last show was The Undoing and YellowStone.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t take life too seriously. 
What’s your most treasured possession?
Oh tough one...I have an antique box that was my farmors (father’s mother), it’s filled with my old journals, letters, birthday cards, and photos. That may be my most treasured possession. 
What’s the biggest takeaway/learning you’ve had from the past year?
Pain is temporary, change is constant. Learn to adapt and flow and treat yourself with kindness. 

What brings you joy lately?
Sunshine, finally reuniting with my friends and family, restaurants reopening. 
Favorite instagram accounts?

Emma Models The Kate Boot In Ivory Leather.

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